Know Thyself & Know Freedom.

Creating Heaven on Earth begins within.

I see you Angelic Human.

Together we open our sacred hearts; remember our powerful and radiant divine light; retune our frequency to our angelic blueprint; and harmonise and balance our heart-mind, body and soul.

This is a home for all beautiful souls navigating their spiritual awakening, on a soljourney of solmastery to explore the Youniverse. A place to remember our divine multidimensional magic, heal our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies, restore our angelic blueprint, reclaim spiritual sovereignty and freedom, and embody our highest divine expression, our god-self.

We are the ancient ones, returned to remember our alchemical mastery. To shift our frequency into higher heart and christos-sophia unity consciousness, truth and love in union with Mother Father God Source Creator, to live once again as the sacred guardians of organic creation.

We have everything we need within, to bring Heaven to Earth.

Heaven on Earth.

The SolShaman

The SolShaman is a navigational guide for journeying into our Youniverse, the inner realms within, to expand into and remember our Sol and connection to One and All.

The SolShaman is You. You are the highest healer of You. We are both the creators and physicians of our own reality. Remembering this power is a journey into our Youniverse to rediscover and ignite the kristos star consciousness within and living the knowledge of natural law. This is the temple path of introspection and remembrance to release density and harmful behaviours, heal the mind, open our sacred heart, and take aligned action to unveil our higher consciousness luminous light and manifestation magic.

SolShaman is a series of tools for SolMastery: a threefold trinity of SolSublime, SolMeds and SolJournal for guided inner journeying.

These are designed to uplift our frequency to shift into higher consciousness and embody our Angelic lightbody blueprint, the frequency of the sacred heart, truth and love, so we can unlock our beautiful and unique solmagic essence and manifest our Harmonious Earth as unified Harmonious Beings.

  • Journeying into our inner realm, our Youniverse, to rebalance and harmonise our internal and external worlds.

    Multidimensional beings require a multifaceted approach to healing. We walk between worlds and outside time, to heal and retrieve the lost aspects of self, to re-member, restore, rehabilitate and recalibrate our wholeness and connectedness.

    We travel within to explore both the underworld and the cosmic heavens of our inner world to remember who we truly are.

    Balancing Light & Dark Within

    Our Shadow

    This is the self-mastery journey to balance the light and dark within. A journey to our inner Sun, our Sol, to reignite the warmth of our heart light, and explore the shadows it casts. To heal separation consciousness and false egoic mind constructs aligned with the inverted matrix, and the love deficit we feel as a result of not being aligned with our true nature. Our Shadow.

    Our Light

    We return to our sacred heart and unity consciousness, remembering our whole, true and loving selves. We remember our true nature, our spirit, our connection to Earth and her animal kingdom, the power of our hearts, our ancient wisdom, and the divinity in self, one another and our eternal sacred union with Mother Father God Source Creator. Together rising to once again walk the Earth as One.

    As within so without. As above so below.

  • You are the shaman of your soul journey and master of self.

    Inner journeying opens our sacred hearts to an infinite horizon enabling unification with, and the embodiment of our mystical, magical, and multidimensional selves. This is Higher Self embodiment.

    The Trinity for SolMastery: SolSublime, SolMeds & SolJournal

    The Trinity of SolSublime, SolMeds and SolJournal is a threefold approach to balancing and harmonising our inner and outer worlds, to access and embodying our Higher Self. These are designed to work cohesively together to bridge the multilayered approach needed to acquire greater depth, awareness and clarity of our multidimensional magic.

    Click the link below to find out more, to sample sountracks, and to download free samples or full recordings to start your journey.

Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.


Harmonious Being

Channel for self mastery, heart guidance, and remembering our divine light.

Tune in: This invocation is to clear your energy field of distortion and restore your mantel of golden white diamond light.

Golden Elemental Clearing

Tune in: This subliminal opens your sacred heart, to activate a magnetic forcefield of love around you.

Sacred Heart Activation

The Golden Dragon Ride

Heal your core sol wound and repair your braid with this Dragon Ride for Ancestral & Soul Healing.

  • Activate and ride the Golden Dragon to rehabilitate your ancestral lineage and core soul wounds, to powerfully restore your Golden Braid, your Angelic DNA Blueprint.

    This is a facilitated 1:1 shamanic journey session with me, that guides you on a journey deep within the inner core of Earth, riding the Golden Dragon, to where The Keepers of Time, the ancient inner earth druid Melchezideks, will assist in bringing powerful healing to clear and heal the frays in your ancestral & soul lineages.

    This will powerfully alchemise the density from lifetimes of soul and ancestral damage, trauma and woundings, elevating your sacred heart love frequency, and harmonise and balance your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies.

    This session was gifted to me from the inner earth druids, the keepers of time, my golden dragon, the Melchezideks and Archangel Raziel, who helped me alchemise my core soul wounds, and that of my ancestral lineage. This is extremely powerful and I’d love the opportunity to guide you on a similar shamanic experience.

    There will be a digital donwload available soon so anyone tuning in can facilitate their own healing journey riding their beautiful dragon.

1:1 Golden Dragon Session: $111

“Whatever state you create in your own mind is also created in the objective world. Imagination creates reality.”

Neville Goddard


Starting up a new soul-aligned business?

I’m a designer who loves supporting self-empowered, solpreneurial angelic starseeds who want to share their beautiful gifts and services with the world. Co-creation magic.

Leaders, Builders and Creators of the New Earth, get in touch for a free consultation to discuss your specific needs, desires and visions.

  • Visual presences to beautifully communicate unique soul essences for soul aligned businesses.

    Visual Essence: Logos & Branding intuitively designed that reflect your authentic essence.

    Websites: A beautiful stargate to showcase your visual essence, products & services.

  • Hourly Rate: $88 p/h

    Visual Essence or Brand: $555

    Website: TBC

    Please get in touch for a free consultation to discuss your creative needs so I can provide a project estimate.


The Krystal SolStar Grid Guardians of Earth

Sacred Sites, Stargates, Portals, Energetic Ley Lines, Dragon Lines & Krystal Grid Gatherings.

  • The SolSacred Krystal Guardians of Earth’s Grids are peaceful heart warriors of christos-sophia and unity consciousness, and we gather at sacred sites and krystal nodes to share our unique essence, magic, keys and codes. With a unified intention we rehabilitate and restore damaged grids, and recode, architect and harmonise with the Aurora Krystal Star blueprint to liberate ourselves, Earth and humanity, together co-creating Heaven on Earth.

    As Sacred Guardians of Earth, keepers of the Krystal grid, we remember our sacred creation blueprints and tune into the sacred heart to bring in Heaven on Earth. We gather together, with the dragons, elementals, the fae, the galactics, and the aurora angelic light realm consciousnesses, to collectively amplify and anchor our unique sovereign essences as tuning forks with unified and loving intentions for the healing, awakening, frequency upliftment and expansion of consciousness for all.

    This is our opportunity to gather virtually, or physically, at sacred sites, stargates, portals on Earths energetic ley lines as Krystal Guardians of all that is sacred on Earth, to uplift our frequency, and step into our roles as SolSacred Krystal Guardians to amplify our magic and anchor sacred heart, kristos-sophia and unity consciousness into earths krystalline grid. We collectively work as a Krystal Star Cluster, a constellation of powerful harmonic resonance to balance and harmonise frequencies, and tune into and radiate unity, bliss, bounty, beauty, love and peace within ourselves, and for all as antennas of higher consciousness.

    A superconsciousness co-creation for Heaven on Earth.

    Use the link to join the SolSacred Krystal Guardians and be notified of gatherings online or at sacred sites.

“Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.”


SolSacred: Grid Guardians

“And forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair.”

Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

Harmonious Healing

Building Harmonious Earth.

Fade out discordant dissonance, and tune into the emerald sacred heart; the peaceful and harmonic frequency of love and the Cosmic Mother.

Healing retreats, Wellbeing Centres, Schools of Light, and Communities, built on powerful krystal grid nodes to amplify life force energy and the healing sound harmonic frequencies required to support the thriving of all life in complete harmony and balance with organic creation and Earth. All is One.

  • Rianna is currently building a Harmonious Healing Hub to welcome beautiful souls who are reconnecting with their hearts and true nature, healing self-love deficits, retuning to the purity of spirit, and looking for a place to be held and nurtured in a sacred space of love, magic, and peace.

    A place to de-armour and re-enamour ourselves with true love & Mother Earth.

    Our Heart Tree, the beautiful Puriri tree (Purity) in the photo, is our Home guardian. Roots in Earth and branches in the heavens, she reminds us all that our Hearts are the Home of our Authentic Truth & Love. She stands on the ridge and watches over us all.


    Maori meaning: The Star Deneb, the Blue Supergiant head star of the Northern Cross, Cygnus Constellation. The Swan.

    Hawaiian meaning: The Sweetheart. The beloved one who emerges from the darkness of the sea. Sweetheart, Love, Darling, Heart. Expressing deep affection for.

  • “You don’t change people’s minds by the words you speak, but you inspire change in their hearts by the life you live.”

    Adrian Corday

  • “As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a life of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”

    Carl Jung

  • An open and loving heart, with a balanced and peaceful mind is the elixir of the eternal spirit.


  • “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the old model obsolete.”

    Buckminster Fuller

  • “Earth is a school for mastering how to manipulate energy.”

    Dolores Cannon

  • “Whatever state you create in your own mind is also created in the objective world. Imagination creates reality.”

    Neville Goddard

  • “If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency & vibration.”

    Nikola Tesla

  • “Shadow work is the path of the Heart Warrior.”

    Carl Jung


If you wish to get in touch please share your magical words with me at: